Tuition is billed monthly. Except where otherwise specified, all rates listed are for weekly virtual lessons.
25 minute lessons - $155 per month
40 minutes lessons - $225 per month
55 minute lessons - $295 per month
30 minute add on coaching session - $30 (available only to enrolled students on Tuesdays between 3 and 5pm)
Tuition is discounted by 10% discount for clients who elect quarterly billing.
Monthly tuition is unchanged by holiday observances, missed lessons, or months in which five (rather than four) lessons are taught. There are no refunds or credits.
Late Payment Policy
Payment is due by midnight on the 1st of each month. Late payments are subject to a $25 late fee.
Failure to submit payment with added late fee by the 5th of the month may result in termination from the studio. No scheduled lessons will be taught while a student's account is in arrears and any lessons missed during this time will be forfeited.
Rescheduling Policy
Lessons are scheduled to occur at the same time each week. Your tuition payment secures your lesson time.
Individual lessons may be rescheduled only if notice is given by midnight on the 1st of their month. With this notice, lessons may be rescheduled for any Tuesday between 3 and 5pm, within 30 days of the missed lesson.
Missed Lesson and Technical Policy
Lessons canceled after the 1st of their month will be forfeited. Frequent missed lessons may result in termination from the studio.
If your teacher is unable to teach your scheduled lesson, it will be rescheduled for a mutually agreed upon time.
You are responsible for maintaining access to virtual lessons via a high speed internet connection and all necessary hardware. Any portion of a lesson missed due to technical problems will be forfeited. If half or more of your lesson time is forfeited due to technical problems, a short video lesson will be provided in lieu of your scheduled lesson.
If the studio is affected by an internet outage or hardware issue less than halfway through your lesson, you may reschedule it. If the studio's issue occurs halfway or more through your lesson, you will be provided with a short video lesson in lieu of your remaining instructional time.
Holiday Observances
The studio is closed for the following holidays:
New Years Day
Independence Day
Thanksgiving Week
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
New Years Eve
No lessons will be taught on these days. Students with lessons scheduled for those days will be provided with a short video lesson.